+49 241 997285-0 info@hybriddesktop.com

You use remote desktops and you are…


because your use of multimedia web applications is limited?

The solution: HybridDesktop BrowserRedirection

You will be amazed!

HD BrowserRedirection enables the use of web applications paired with the security of the local web browser.


from switching permanently between virtual and local desktop?

The solution: HybridDesktop AppControl

You will be amazed!

HD AppControl enables the control of local applications from the remote desktop. In the local teams app, for example, you’ll cut the best figure.


from not being able to control/change audio devices adequately and “on-the-fly”?

The solution: HybridDesktop SoundControl

You will be amazed!

HD SoundControl allows complete control of all audio devices and all audio streams. Motivation increases – meetings can now be optimally controlled.

...in search

for a telephony solution with the best quality and easy operation?

The solution: HybridDesktop Fon

You will be amazed!

HD Fon enables softphone telephony directly from the remote desktop without any limitations in audio quality or ease of use. More communication, quicker solutions.


from choosing the right operating system for your terminals?

The solution: HybridDesktop OS

You will be amazed!

HD OS allows you to freely choose the terminal device and combines it with the security of a hardened operating system. Productivity increases, administrative effort decreases.

HD AppControl

Control local apps from the remote desktop, without media disruption.

HD Fon

The ultimate telephony solution for the remote desktop.

HD BrowserRedirection

Videos and other media applications without stuttering in the remote desktop.

HD SoundControl

Control all locally available audio devices directly from the Remote Desktop at any time.

HD Channel

Use HybridDesktop tools through the ICA channel without a VPN connection.

What does HybridDesktop do?

HybridDesktop connects the remote desktop with the local desktop and enables the user to use the local performance without media disruption. Media disruption in this case means the annoying switch between its desktop on the server or in the cloud and the local desktop.

Let’s take HD AppControl as an example:
This allows locally installed apps, such as MS Teams, to be used in the remote desktop. As a result, meetings run without lags or image and sound drifting apart. The user does not notice any of this.

What HybridDesktop tools are available?

Currently we offer 6 tools:

  • HD AppControl
  • HD Fon
  • HD BrowserRedirection
  • HD SoundControl
  • HD Channel
Are the tools available individually or as a bundle?


We offer each tool individually, but you also have the option to purchase a complete package with a price advantage.

What hardware do I need?

There are no hardware requirements for HybridDesktop. Currently we offer the tools for all devices with RangeeOS operating system. Other operating systems such as Windows or the Linux derivatives of the various thin client manufacturers will be added shortly.

Can I test the whole thing before I buy it?

Of course. Just click on “free test” in the header.

What licenses are available and how much do they cost?

HybridDesktop Tools are delivered with a one-year subscription license including. Updates and support offered. An overview of the available licenses and the prices can be found here.

What our customers say

“Since I started using Browser Redirection, the load on terminal servers has dropped significantly. […] It is easy to configure and set up. I regularly add sites with high bandwidth consumption to the list of sites to forward.”
– Christian Humpert, Euro BBW des DRK Landesverband RLP e.V.

“At this point I would like to tell you that we really like this communication with you. Keep it up! We know why we love working with Rangee GmbH!”
– Patrick Stöcker, IFA GmbH

“[…] thank you very much for the test license (for HD Fon, editor’s note). Compliments for your product! Everything worked great and fast. Therefore, enclosed is the order confirmation.”
– Steffen Schmidt, STS Informations- und Datentechnik

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